Lumecca - IPL

The IPL is the best treatment for fading away excess brown pigment (freckles, sun/age spots, melasma) as well as clearing facial redness associated with Rosacea and sun damage. The IPL targets the cells that contain the excess pigment and then causes the pigment to rise to the surface of the skin where it sloughs off. Because excess pigment is deposited at various levels/layers of the skin it can take up to 6 treatments to reach the deeper layers of pigment and to obtain optimal results. For facial redness the IPL closes down the tiny blood vessels that cause the redness. The IPL can be used to treat all areas of the body.

Is there downtime after IPL?

There is minimal downtime with IPL treatments. Darkened brown spots or discoloration can be covered with make-up if desired. Typically, darkening and discoloration is most evident after the first treatment and is less obvious with subsequent treatments.


  • do not tan or use spray tan/self tanner 2 weeks before your treatment
  • avoid direct sun exposure for 48 hours before


  • avoid sun exposure 48 hours after
  • avoid scented lotions and exfoliant
  • wear SPF to avoid future damage and spots
  • darkening of superficial brown spots will flake off after about 7-14 days
  •  generalized redness of the skin and redness around the brown spots (like a halo) this can last 48-72 hours