Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Have you been looking for a natural, safe, and effective way to give your skin some support? A PRP facial uses your body’s own healing processes to encourage stronger, healthier, and more youthful-looking skin. Our team at Q Aesthetics in Melbourne, Florida, is here to answer some questions about this exciting treatment option.

How Many PRP Facial Sessions Are Needed?

Patients Can Go for a Single Treatment or a Series

As you look into your PRP facial, you may be wondering if one treatment is enough to get the results you want. That can depend on a range of factors, such as your skin health and your cosmetic goals. A consultation is the best way for us to go over what you’re looking for and set up a personalized timeline with you.

For instance, if you want to brighten up your face and give it some support and pampering, many patients are happy with their results after a single treatment. On the other hand, if there’s something specific you’re looking to address you may find a treatment series that will better suit your needs.

Moving On to Maintenance Treatments

Once your single treatment or series of treatments are complete, you can look at moving on to maintenance treatments. The results from these treatments are long-lasting. Most patients find that coming in for a single “booster” treatment twice a year is enough to maintain their results. Some patients are able to go for even longer before they feel a need to set up another appointment.

While no treatment can stop the aging process, PRP helps reverse the effects of aging on your skin. It’s an excellent way to support clear, strong, glowing skin for the long run.

What Is the Treatment Like?

Each appointment starts with making the PRP that will be used for treatment. First, we’ll take a few small samples of blood from your arm. Once we have these samples, we can use a specialized machine to separate the blood and create the “liquid gold” PRP layer.

This platelet-rich plasma is full of powerful, concentrated nutrients and regenerative abilities. When it comes to PRP facial, it is usually introduced into the desired area through an injection or microneedling.

How Do I Encourage Long-Lasting Results?

We can go over some recommendations with you in person, but taking care of your skin and overall health is one of the best ways you can protect or possibly extend your results. Anything that’s good for your skin’s health tends to be good news for your treatment results too.

We recommend wearing sunscreen so you don’t have to worry as much about sun damage. Exfoliate mindfully and with moderation; overdoing it may damage your skin. Keep hydrated, and give yourself time to unwind when you’re stressed. If you smoke, this may be a good time to consider quitting. Smoking can interfere with your body’s collagen and elastin production.

What Are PRP Facial Used For?

A Healthy Glow

PRP can be used to address a wide range of skin concerns. Patients may be looking for a specific improvement, or they may just want to rejuvenate the skin. Stress, age, and the general wear and tear of life can make skin lose that youthful glow. PRP can help refresh the treated area by supporting the health of your skin on multiple levels.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Whether you want to delay the signs of aging or improve the signs that are already present, PRP can help. By encouraging collagen and elastin development, PRP can strengthen the skin’s underlying structure, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the process.

Skin Damage

Spending time out in the sunshine can feel amazing for both the mind and body. Unfortunately, if you aren’t careful about protecting your skin, the sun can leave its mark. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature aging. It can contribute to wrinkle development, a dull or rough skin texture, or uneven pigmentation. The good news is PRP is great at helping with all of these symptoms.

Acne Scars

Another way our skin can get damaged is through acne scars. Most people start to deal with acne when they hit their teen years. Something teens are often told is that it will get better with time. While it’s true that in many cases acne dies down in adulthood, our battles with acne can leave permanent scars.

These scars can be difficult to treat, and inconvenient to cover. We want to help our patients feel more confident in their skin, and PRP is one way we can do that. PRP encourages new, healthy skin cell production, which helps replace some of the damaged skin. Over time, you should see a reduction in the appearance of your acne scars.

Pore Problems

Enlarged pores can be frustrating to deal with. Even if you follow a strict skincare routine, you can end up with dirt or other debris clogging your pores. This can make them look larger by stretching them out. Clogged pores aren’t the only reason your pores may look larger, though. When skin becomes less elastic over time, gravity’s pull on our faces can make pores loosen and stretch out.

Combining PRP with microneedling can be a great solution for pore issues. The microneedling exfoliates your skin on a professional level, while the PRP can help tighten the pores and reduce their appearance.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Sometimes all the coffee and beauty sleep in the world isn’t enough to fight back dark circles. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, making this a tricky area to treat. PRP is both gentle and natural, so it can be used on more sensitive areas of the face. It can help refresh and strengthen this skin to reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.

Skin Tone and Texture Concerns

Age spots are an example of hyperpigmentation, but hyperpigmentation can take many forms. It involves some parts of the skin being a different tone than the surrounding skin. Sometimes the affected skin has a different texture as well. If you’re looking to even out your complexion, PRP could be a great option.

The Benefits of Choosing a PRP Facial

The Natural Option

Some patients prefer to try more natural treatments. PRP helps your body fight back at the aging process with a treatment sourced from your own blood. Another reason patients may opt for a more natural approach is to avoid the risk of artificial-looking results.

Results from PRP should look like your skin took a step back in time, or like you just had the best sleep of your life. The fact that the treatment is naturally-based helps your skin look refreshed, not artificial. It works with your body to support your own natural glow.

The Safety Factor

PRP is derived from your own blood which is one reason it’s considered such a safe treatment. Your body already recognizes the PRP material, so we won’t be introducing foreign material during a PRP treatment. It’s an excellent way to harness and use the healing abilities hidden away in your blood.

We take safety seriously, and if you have any concerns we’re happy to talk through them with you. The most important thing is that you’re comfortable and excited about your treatments, so we strive to create an environment to encourage that.

A Gentle Alternative

While you can get some powerful results with a surgical facelift, that kind of surgery isn’t a good fit for everyone. You may be at an age where the surgery isn’t recommended yet, or you may find the idea of a surgery out of your budget or comfort zone.

PRP therapy is a lot less of an investment when it comes to both time and cost. For one thing, you won’t have to worry about downtime with PRP. You can schedule your appointment and get right back to your daily routine once the treatment is complete. It’s more affordable, easy on the body, and can be a good fit for a wide range of patients.

Learn More About Our Skin Care Options

If you would like to learn more about receiving PRP treatment, we’re more than happy to help. We also offer a range of other treatment options so we have the best possible chance of finding the right fit for your needs.